
Monday, June 16, 2014


This last weekend I took a class on Nigerian reverse applique techniques with Adebayo Agbelekale AKA IB Bayo  His work is AMAZING (incorporating every kind of dyework, quilting, sewing, all mostly by hand - mindblowing!) , and a lot of it is in reverse applique.  This is my sampler - playing with adding different color blocks and shapes.  His approach (a blend of technique from his family's eight generations work with textiles and contemporary African American quilting from working with Rachel Clark) is a really easy hybrid approach to doing the reverse applique.  The biggest thing I learned in this class is to just do.  I was paralyzed at a point with making the design - this is the third design after I decide to stop thinking and just get cutting.  It also has me thinking about what kind of iconography I want to develop - where are my roots in textile traditions, what are the influences in the past and today that I can express in pattern in thread.  Also to just start cutting and go with it!  

I know all I've been posting lately is stuff from my weaving class, but that is what I'm into right now! OK!? (not that I heard any complaints…) So, this is the complete exercise in gradation. It was really fun and super challenging to complete. I got a little bit cocky at the beginning of this exercise because I've always felt at ease with colour. Serves me right! This was indeed very challenging and there were parts I couldn't wrap my head around. Especially the horizontal and side to side gradients. I would be going to sleep at night thinking, "Ok, so if I did it this way…. hmmm, no… that way…." Thank goodness my teacher is amazing - watching her and having her explain things verbally and show me by doing has made this process so amazing. On to texture!

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