
Monday, July 28, 2014

PROJECT REPORT 6 - Circular Weaving

I'm really loving working on this piece. I've been adding warp in different directions as I go. I am trying to now weave under and over some of the finished areas. I've found that the warp threads tend to slip as I'm weaving (since it's in a round hoop), so, I've used masking tape to start to hold the more awkward threads in place while I weave. It seems to be working quite nicely...

This little morsel is an experiment in weaving with art yarn.  I have many many skeins of art yarn that I spun over the years, never really intending to use it for a specific project, spinning sequins, feathers, big clomps of wool, thread, fabric, lace all together in more of a process meditative way, having fun with the materials as a counterpoint to the fine worsted spinning I tend to like to do.  (Fine worsted spinning is making very controlled fine yarn with high twist that takes a lot of focus!)  This yarn is from a class I took with Lexi Boeger, years and years ago at Urban Fauna in SF. (2005?)  Long ago enough that one person in the class recognized me from my serial knitsterism on Knitty Gritty (I am knitting on the couch 4 seconds before the end, Alisa is knitting behind Erika's Head) (Random the things you remember) We made crazy batts in Lexi's class and spun them, crazy batts with every sort of thing in them.  I very much like how the art yarn looks woven, but I think it needs a larger space to breathe and really show all the weird shit that is in it.  Also I sort of want to cut apart the yarns to make some color sense out of them.  A good experiment in my book is when you do something that may not be completely successful but you find at least one new path to try out. I now have quite a few to try.


  1. Jenne! Amazing again! I totally remember being on that show and being so nervous because Erika was going to ask us each a question and I didn't know what to say!

  2. I love your blog. I am doing circle weaving too, as well as Saori. How do I subscribe to your blog?
