
Thursday, November 6, 2014


Yesterday I went on a little outing with my little knitting/crochet group. We went to this very nice store called Camilla Valley Farms. It's an amazing little store in an outbuilding on a farm about 45 minutes away from where I live. The two best things about it are that they carry every colour of Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift - looking at that wall inspired me to pick up some yarn for a cardigan that I fell in love with. The pattern is beautiful and kind of different that what I usually make. I don't want to post a picture yet… I'll post my progress. The second amazing thing is that they are a weaving supply place and, holy moly, I'll be returning soon! I wish I could teleport Jenne here to visit the shop with me!

Sometimes it is like a domino run, one craft bumps into another craft, start working on a project and hey, I want to do this to use it in that.  After the halloween costume making hurricane that consumed my studio last week, I did a big clean up and picked up one of my spindles and felt like spinning again.  I found this electric pink roving that I had put in the sell/trade bin now it makes all the sense with the technicolor palette I am weaving now and started to spin it up.  I am rusty.  I dropped my spindle a lot.  But I spun enough to realize that its going to be my morning ritual - waking up early making tea and spinning for a half an hour before everyone is up.  Making the yarn I want.  Maybe to get to a goal of 100% handspun for weaving.  Slowly, with little steps.

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