
Thursday, November 13, 2014


I finally finished and blocked my Camino de Santiago cowl by Danielle Kassner. I started it last year when I was visiting Cal at Hodge Podge Farm. It's made out of a variety of yarns from my stash and is super warm and cushy and perfect for the impending winter. It's done in tapestry crochet and I have to say that this is one of my favourite techniques. I cannot wait to use it more and make up my own patterns. The only thing about it was that it was a difficult project to carry around because there was a chart and several balls of yarn on the go at once. I'm thinking of digging out my fingerless mitts to finish - a pattern by the same designer. 

Last week I almost totally destroyed my left hand in a fall at my daughter's school. Thankfully, after xrays nothing was deemed broken, just a lot of pain, bruising, and a sprain. My doctor's prescription was normal daily activity in moderation, and when I explained that that for me was alot of handwork she said yes. My hands were used to the work and it was important to keep the muscles moving in the ways they are used to. Alisa sent me a message that Laboradite would be a good stone to hold in my hand to help heal, so I spent the last week weaving and knitting on this vest, alternating with rest holding my favorite blue flashy stone in hand. And today my hand is so purple, turning yellow, in the clearing up stages of bruising and looks terrible but feels totally normal. Thank you craft. Thank you hands.

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